急啓 この度、東北地方を中心にして起きた未曾有の大惨事において、日本の皆さまのご家族、ご友人の方々の無事を心から願っております。日本のすべての皆さまの健康と無事をお祈り申し上げます。愛する人々を亡くした悲しみをお察しするとともに、一日も早い復旧復興のために、わたくしどもも全力を挙げて最大限の支援を行っていまいります。
・ オンガード ハンドワイプス
・ オンガード プロテクティブブレンド
・ ダイジェストゼン ダイゲスティブブレンド
・ メラルーカエッセンシャルオイル
・ レモンエッセンシャルオイル
March 15, 2011
To our doTERRA Family and Friends in Japan,
We hope that all is well with you, your families and your friends. Our hearts and prayers are with you during this time of crisis. We are very concerned for your welfare and that of all Japanese people. We share your sadness at the loss of life and stand with you in the coming recovery.
We have discussed with many of you our desire to go to Japan and take the opportunity to sit down and speak with you in groups and on an individual basis. In fact, we’ve gone so far as to schedule a trip to do just that. These meetings were scheduled for March 23rd and we have been looking forward to them with great excitement.
Given the current situation in Japan, however, we would like to postpone those meetings for a short time and focus, instead, on helping the Japanese people. As a company, we intend to work with our worldwide IPC network to donate and distribute doTERRA products that will help people in a real way. You know the power of doTERRA essential oils! It is in times like these that we can really help people with doTERRA products.
We will be sending large quantities of doTERRA’s On-Guard Hand Sanitizing Wipes, On-Guard Protective Blend, DigestZen Digestive Blend, Melaleuca Essential Oil and Lemon Essential Oil. Each of these products is ideal in times of an emergency.
Anyone interested in donating to this effort can do so through visiting www.doterrahealinghands.org and contributing. All contributions will go towards the purchase of doTERRA’s Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and related products for shipment to those in need in Japan.
We’ll be coordinating relief efforts with local leaders in Japan to ensure that we get product to as many people in need as possible. Please feel free to contact us at join@doterra.com or through customer service if you have any needs or concerns.
We will continue to keep you regularly updated regarding our efforts and any relief that we send. You are in our thoughts always. Please stay safe.
Best regards,
doTERRA Corporate Executives and Staff